York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 8--Trade in Servants 25 February 1688/9 To all People to whome this prsent writeing of Letter of Attorney shall Come send greeting. Whereas Micajah Perry, Thomas Laine, Samuell Deane and Richard Parke of London Merchants and James Backler Master of the ship Called the Richard of London, did on about the Eighth day of December Anno Dom. 1687. shipt on board the said ship then bound for Virginia Thirty three servants in fourths, which were Con- signed to the said James Backler upon his arrivall in Virginia A foresaid for the proper accompt and most Advantage of them the said Micajah Perry, Thomas Laine, Samuell Deane and Richard Parke and James Backler (that is to say) one quarter part for the accompt of the said Micajah Perry and Thomas Lane, one other quarter part for the said Samuell Deane, one other quarter part for the said Richard Parke and the other quarter part for the said James Backler, As by a true Copie of the accompt (the Originall whereof was signed by the said James Backler) here unto Annexed may appeare, And Whereas the said James Backler upon his arrivall in Virginia did sell and dispose of the said servants to sundry persons there, and Left severall Debts unreceived upon accot. of the sale of the said servants, Therefore Know yee That Henry Batt Administrator: of all and singular the goods, Estate, accompts & Creditts of the said Late James Backler, and wee ye. said Micajah Perry, Thomas Lane, Lane and Richard Parke, Have made ordained Constituted Deputed, putt and appointed as by these prsents wee doe make ordaine Constitute, Depute, putt and appoint the said Samuell Deane, whoe is now bound out on a Voyage to Virginia on board ye. good ship Called the Bayley whereof William Norrington is Master, To bee every of our sd. true and Lawfull Attorney & Assigne, and in Case of the Decease of the said Samuell Deane, wee doe Appoint Capt. Roger Jones of James Citty County in Virginia our Attorney for us and in or. names and to our use and uses to aske demand, Recover and receive of and from any pson or psons in Virginia, or of his their or either of their goods, Estates, plantacons, servants and Tobaccoes where soever hee they either of any of them are or shall bee found all such sume and sumes of money, Tobaccoes and other things which any pson or psons whatsoever is oweing and indebted or hath or have in his or their hands, Custody or possession in any wise due oweing or appertaining unto the said Late James Backler for the pceed and produce of the said Thirty three Servants sold and Disposed of by the said James Backler, as aforesaid, upon recovery and receipt to give acquittances and discharges in due forme of Law To settle adjust and ballance Accompts Compound, conclude and agree all Differences, And what Tobaccoes bills of Exchange and other things that shall be recovered and received by the said Samuell Deane by vertue of these prsents, wee doe Order and apoint shall bee sent and Consigned to the said Micajah Perry, & Thomas Lane or the said Richard Parke for the use of themselves and the said Samuell Deane, Richard Parke and Henry Batt according to their severall Interests as aforesaid, and if need bee to appeare in any Court or Courts and before all Lords Judges and Justices thereto Answer Defend and repleavy all Matters and Causes touching or Concerning the prmises, To doe say pursue seize arrest Attach imprison and to Condemne and out of Prison againe to deliver and Generally to use all Lawfull wayes and meanes for the recovery of the prmises as fully and Amply to all intents and purposes as wee ourselves might or would doe if personally prsent, with power to substitute one or more Attorneys under our said Attorney, and the same againe to rewake, wee the said Micajah Perry, Thomas Lane, Richard Parke and Henry Batt hereby promiseing to Hold for firme and vallid all Land whatsoever our said Attorney, or his substitutes shall Lawfully doe or Cause to bee done in and about the prmisses by vertue of these prsents In Wittnesse whereof wee the said Micajah Perry, Thomas Lane, Richard Parke and Henry Batt have here- unto putt or. hands and seales this fifteenth day of September Anno. Dom. 1688. and in the fourth yeare of the Raign of our soveraigne Lord King James the second of England &c. for myselfe & ptner Tho. Lane Micajah Perry (seale) Richard Parke (seale) Henry Batt (seale) Signed sealed and delivered In the prsence of Tho: Arnoll Wm. Jefferys Mathew Trim February ye. 25th. 1688/9 Then proved in open Court by the oathes of Capt: Tho: Arnoll and Capt. Wm. Jeffreys and is Recorded. Test J: Sedgwick D Cl Cur Accot. of servants aboard ye. Richard, James Backler Master in Company with Micajah Perry & Co. Samuell Deane Richard Parke & James Backler Dr. To. 25. servts: p mr. samll: Deanes accompt} 97:10:00 to: 8: servts: p mr. James Backler accot 16:00:00 to ye. Dues and head Money 04:19:00 to ye. passage. 33. servts. at 5 lb p head 165:00:00 to: 38: lb tobacco & Caske 01:10:00 to: 4 gs of pipes 00:04:08 to: 28. Galls: brandy att 23 d. p Gallo: and 4 s. p Cask } 03:07:00 288:10:08 Per Contra Creditor By. 1/4. part Perry and Lane 72:02:08 By. 1/4. part Samll: Deane 72:02:08 By. 1/4. part Richd: Parke 72:02:08 By. 1/4. part James Backler 72:02:08 288:10:08 Gravesend Decembr. ye. 8th 1687 Errors Excepted signed p James Backler The afore written is a true Copie of the Originall which I Attest this 15th. day of September Anno Domn 1688 Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (8) 208-210.